Buried Under 原声大碟

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[合集推荐]Buried Under 原声大碟



等级: 一代君主
等级:Mobile Gamer

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2014-07-07 0

专辑中文名: 下一站天后

别名: 音乐之乡

艺术家: 原声大碟

资源格式: MP3

版本: Season 1, Volume 1, Deluxe.Edition

地区: 美国

语言: 英语



Charles Esten加盟ABC试映集《Nashville》。这是一部以家庭、爱情、事业、政治和性爱为主题的「黄金时段肥皂剧」,故事发生在田纳西州首府纳什维尔--一座因为音乐产业和乡村音乐名人堂而闻名的城市。只要看到「纳什维尔」这个词,你就应该明白该剧是描述音乐人的--该剧的主人公是一群音乐人,其中有的正处于事业的巅峰,有的是冉冉升起的新星,有的则在走下坡路。故事的主人公是40多岁的纳什维尔歌手Rayna James(Connie Britton)。她曾是一位超级巨星,但随着年华老去,她发现自己的吸引力正直线下降,唱片销量也越来越糟糕。她所在的唱片公司要求她与少女歌手Juliette Barnes(Hayden Panettiere)合作演出,否则将失去巡回演出、举办个人演唱会的资格,而且唱片公司也不再宣传她的唱片。迫于压力,Juliette很不情愿地答应了。Clare Bowen在剧中扮演前途无量的歌坛词曲新秀Scarlett;Jonathan Jackson扮演歌坛新秀Avery,性感的坏男孩,很有才气(能够自己写歌);Powers Boothe扮演Rayna的父亲,一个很有威望的人,控制欲很强,极力反对女儿追求乡村音乐事业;Robert Wisdom扮演纳什维尔市下任市长候选人Coleman Caldwell,一个颇有政治魅力的政客;Eric Close扮演主人公Rayna的丈夫;Charles Esten扮演歌词作家Deacon,是主人公Rayna的旧情人,同时是Rayna所在乐队的主吉他手。


01 – Connie Britton – Buried Under.mp3
02 – Sam Palladio and Clare Bowen – If I Didn’t Know Better.mp3
03 – Charles Esten and Hayden Panettiere – Undermine.mp3
04 – Charles Esten – Sideshow.mp3
05 – Connie Britton, Hayden Panettiere – Wrong Song.mp3
06 – Connie Britton and Charles Esten – No One Will Ever Love You.mp3
07 – Jonathan Jackson – Twist of Barbwire.mp3
08 – Hayden Panettiere – Love Like Mine.mp3
09 – Lennon Stella, Maisy Stella – Telescope.mp3
10 – Sam Palladio and Clare Bowen – When the Right One Comes Along.mp3
11 – Hayden Panettiere – Telescope (Radio Mix).mp3
12 – Sam Palladio – I’ll Be There.mp3
13 – Clare Bowen – Love’s Ring of Fire.mp3
14 – Charles Esten and Hayden Panettiere – Undermine (Acoustic Version).mp3
15 – Connie Britton – Changing Ground.mp3


+————『Buried Under』——+

【   歌   词   】

Wish that I didn't have to see
A confidant as an enemy
I count the lies and the lines you
cross helplessly I can only watch
Dodgin' words as they ricochet
Honesty that'll never pay
Your convictions I believe
Like an apparition haunting me
the Now truth is a ball and chain
Holdin' my conscious to the flame
Covered up but still I know
secret The of a life you're guilty of
smoking The gun is what I found
The dirt I have on you is the ground
Oooh?. I'm buried under
Tryin' to tread through sinkin' sand
In your wake you know I can't stand
What I thought was meant to be
Is a broken heart weighin' down on me
The truth is a ball
And chain holdin' my conscious to the flame
Covered up but still i know
The secret of a life you're guilty of
The smoking gun is what I found
The dirt
I have on you is the ground Oooh?
buried I'm under Yea,
I'm buried under Oh, I'm buried under
Can you fall for the wings of a dove
When the clever wolf is the one you love
Now the truth is a ball and chain
Holdin' my conscious to the flame
Covered up but still i know
The secret of a life you're guilty of
The smoking gun is what I found
The dirt I have on you is the ground
Oooh? .I'm buried under
Wish that I didn't have to see
A confidant as an enemy

[ 此帖被无名无姓名在2014-07-07 03:05重新编辑 ]
本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +20
DB+20 2014-07-07

帖子很赞+1 音乐板块祝你美好每一天。



等级: 元老
            一腔孤勇你     单枪匹马又如何        .. ..

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2014-07-07 0
很好  如果多几首试听就更赞了


配偶: 细雨

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2014-07-07 0


等级: 贵宾

举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2014-07-07 0
砰砰砰 不错






等级: 元老
配偶: 七斤饭团
Dream: 绝世帝王

举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2014-07-08 0
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