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最近,大家都被BBC早前拍摄的咱们的过年记录大片——Chinese New Year:The Biggest Celebration on Earth刷屏了吧,这浓浓的中国风更是将咱们过年热情推至高潮呀! 然而,英语君今天讲的不是那部纪录片,而是一周内突破500万点击率的中国原创动画——《相思》 Love Peas 《相思》 (王维) The love pea grows in southern lands. 红豆生南国, In spring its slender tendrils twine. 春来发几枝。 Gather for me some more, I pray, 劝君多采撷, For it is the most precious remembrance. 此物最相思。 At the beginning of 2017, a nine-minute short animation titled Love Sickengulfed the Internet. Since its initial release on December 23, the animation has already reached 100 million hits within ten days on Chinese social media platforms. 2017年年初,一部九分钟的名为《相思》的动画短片席卷网络。自从它在12月23日被放上中国社交网络平台,它的点击率在10天内已超过1亿。 Originating from Love Pea, a renowned poem written by Wang Wei, as the creation inspiration, overall Love Sick tells a sentimental love story between a notable figure from the Qing Dynasty called Wang Chutong and his childhood sweetheart Liu Niang. In the animation, they fall in love with each other but Liu Niang's family forces her to marry a wealthy man, resulting in a failed marriage. After many ups and downs, Wang and Liu meet again and decide to take care of each other in the future as a brother-and-sister relationship, not as lovers. 以诗人王维一首著名的古诗《红豆》为创作灵感,《相思》讲述了清朝名士王初桐和他的青梅竹马六娘之间的凄美爱情故事。他们彼此相爱然而六娘的家人强迫六娘嫁给了一位富人,导致了六娘的失败婚姻。在经历人生起伏后,两人重逢,决定不以爱人身份相随,反而以兄妹相称,互相扶持。 When Wang first sees love bean,he treats it like Columbus discovered the new continent,so he loses no time to come to Liu Niang for showing his precious red bean. 当王初桐第一次看见相思豆时,就像哥伦布发现新大陆那样,想展示他发现的宝贝,便马上去找他的六娘。 (此处英语君私以为,是小孩子初桐误将手中的红豆当作诗里的相思豆,毕竟大家都知道相思豆可是有毒的,六娘还煮了一碗红豆粥给初桐呢。) As time went by,Liu Niang has grown into a beautiful girl and Wang has became a grown-up man.Wang spares no efforts to preparing for the coming exam while Liu Niang spends her time in embroidering. 随着时间流逝,六娘长成美丽的女子,王初桐变成了成熟的男人。王初酮不遗余力地备考即将到来的考试,六娘则用刺绣打发时间。 Liu Niang is forced to marry a wealthy man,sadly,her marriage is a failure.In the only nine-minute short animation, at the endding,there is a dolorous scenery with endless umbrellas. 令人遗憾的是,六娘嫁给了富人,而她婚姻失败。在短短的九分钟短片里,影片最后是阴郁的景色和无边无际的伞。 (在中文里,送伞谐音“送散”,这言喻不言而喻。) As usual,we always adore the sentimental love stories,like always and forever, sometimes they give us back the thing that had been beaten out of us,faith in those we love.When seeing the animation,something inside our hearts may crack wide open and the flowers grow.我们总是追崇那些凄美的爱情故事,如生死相随,有时候它们确实给了我们本身已经被磨灭的东西,相信我们所爱之人。所以当看到那部影片时,我们的心里的某一角落温暖,开出了花儿。 "君住长江头,妾住长江尾, 日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。 此水何时休,此恨何时已。 只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意。"