1. alias语句是参数赋值用,语法为
alias 参数名 “数值”
2. band语句为绑键命令,把某个alias赋值的参数绑到某个键。语法
为 bind "键名" "参数名"
3. “buy”相当于按下“b”键,“buyequip”相当于按下“o”键;
“menuselect x”就是对应购买菜单的号码。举个例子:
* 你要买ak47,那你在开局时会按b-->4-->1, 对应的脚本就是
buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1;(中间用分号隔开)
* 你要买手雷和1个闪光弹的话,那你在开局时会按o-->4,o-->3,
对应的脚本就是buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip;
menuselect 3
// 蹲跳脚本// - 就是用超级跳代替普通跳。
alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"
bind "space" "+cjump" (把超级跳band到空格键)
// 拆弹掩护脚本// - 当你拆弹时通知队友掩护你,把拆弹band到
alias +defuse "+use; radio1; menuselect 1; slot10;
say_team Cover me I‘m defusing the bomb"
alias -defuse "-use; slot10"
bind "d" "+defuse" (把拆弹掩护band到d键)
// 放弹掩护脚本// - 当你放boom时通知队友掩护你,band到b键。
alias +bomb "weapon_c4; +duck; +attack; wait; radio1;
menuselect 1; slot10; say_team Cover me I‘m planting the bomb"
alias -bomb "-duck; -attack; slot10"
bind "b" "+bomb" (把放弹掩护band到b键)
// 人质营救脚本// - 这个脚本把“use"加到跳中,你要做的就是跳
alias +jumpres "+jump; wait; +use"
alias -jumpres "-jump; wait; -use"
bind "enter" "+jumpres" (band到“enter”键)
// 清除跳脚本// - 这个脚本把清除命令加到跳里, 所以当某个菜单
alias +jumpclr "+jump; mclr"
alias -jumpclr "-jump"
alias "mclr" "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"
bind "space" "+jumpclr" (band到空格键)
// 装弹掩护// - 当你装弹时通知队友掩护。
alias +recov "+reload; wait; -reload; radio1;
menuselect 1; say_team cover me I‘m reloading"
alias -recov "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"
bind "r" "+recov" (band到r键)
// 停止换弹夹// - 这个脚本可以停止当前武器的换弹夹并快速换回
alias reload_stop "weapon_knife; wait; wait; wait; lastinv"
bind "q" "reload_stop" (band到q键)
// 蹲走脚本// - 这个脚本允许你无需按着一个键蹲下,可以按一下蹲,
alias duck_t "duck_on"
alias duck_on "alias duck_t duck_off; +duck; developer 1;
echo Ducking enabled; developer 0"
alias duck_off "alias duck_t duck_on; -duck; developer 1;
echo Standing enabled; developer 0"
bind "x" "duck_t" (band到x键)
// 跑走脚本//- 这个脚本允许你无需按着一个键走,可以按一下走,
alias walk_t "walk_on"
alias walk_on "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed; developer 1;
echo alking enabled; developer 0"
alias walk_off "alias walk_t walk_on; -speed; developer 1;
echo Running enabled; developer 0"
bind "w" "walk_t" (band到w键)
// 快速劈刀子脚本1// - 当你按着一个键时,会换成刀子用第一种方
alias +qslash "weapon_knife; wait; +attack"
alias -qslash "-attack; lastinv"
bind "alt" "+qslash" (band到Alt键)
// 快速劈刀子脚本2// - 当你按着一个键时,会换成刀子用第二种方
alias +qstab "weapon_knife; wait; +attack2"
alias -qstab "-attack2; wait; lastinv"
bind "alt" "+qstab" (band到Alt键)
// 夜视鏡购买使用脚本// - 这个脚本可以按一个键购买并使用夜视
alias +nvgx "nvgon"
alias nvgon "buyequip; menuselect 7; wait; wait; wait;
nightvision; developer 1; echo NVGS Enabled!;
developer 0; alias +nvgx nvgoff"
alias nvgoff "nightvision; developer 1; echo NVGS
Disabled!;developer 0; alias +nvgx nvgon"
alias -nvgx "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"
bind "n" "+nvgx" (band到n键)
//购买主弹药// - 一键买满主弹药。
alias fullprim "buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1;
bind "z" "fullprim" (band到z键)
//购买副弹药// - 一键买满副弹药。
alias fullpist "buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2;
bind "x" "fullpist" (band到x键)
//购买装备脚本// - 一键购买装备脚本,每个脚本必须包括mclr和
alias +armor "buyequip; menuselect 1" // 买头盔
alias -armor "mclr; mclr"
alias +helmet "buyequip; menuselect 2" // 买头盔及防弹衣
alias -helmet "mclr; mclr"
alias +flashb "buyequip; menuselect 3" // 买闪光弹
alias -flashb "mclr; mclr"
alias +hegren "buyequip; menuselect 4" // 买手雷
alias -hegren "mclr; mclr"
alias +smoke "buyequip; menuselect 5" // 买烟雾弹
alias -smoke "mclr; mclr"
alias +defuse "buyequip; menuselect 6" // 买拆弹器
alias -defuse "mclr; mclr"
alias +nvgs "buyequip; menuselect 7" // 买夜视鏡
alias -nvgs "mclr; mclr"
alias mclr "slot10; w3; w3; slot10"
alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"
bind "q" "+armor"
bind "w" "+helmet"
bind "e" "+flashb"
bind "r" "+hegren"
bind "t" "+smoke"
bind "y" "+defuse"
bind "u" "+nvgs"
//联合购买装备脚本// - 这个脚本可以按一键购买组合装备。
1、// 卖满主弹药、头盔、防弹衣。
alias +ammoarm "buyequip; menuselect 2; buyammo1;
buyammo1; buyammo1"
alias -ammoarm "slot10; wait; wait; wait; slot10"
bind "h" "+ammoarm"
2、// 买满手雷、闪光弹、烟雾弹。
alias +allgren "flash; flash; hegren; smoke"
alias -allgren "slot10; wait; wait; wait; slot10"
alias flash "buyequip; menuselect 3"
alias hegren "buyequip; menuselect 4"
alias smoke "buyequip; menuselect 5"
bind "n" "+allgren"
3、// CT购买拆弹器、主弹药、头盔、防弹衣。
alias +ctbuy "buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip;
menuselect 2; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1"
alias -ctbuy "slot10; wait; wait; wait; slot10"
bind "m" "+ctbuy"