# Shipment: Blood Jade Amulet - Bring a Vrykul Amulet, a Jagged Dark Jade and a Runed Bloodstone to Timothy Jones in Dalaran. You can find a Vrykul Amulet on any Northrend Vrykul.
# Shipment: Glowing Ivory Figurine - Bring a Shoveltusk Ivory, a Lustrous Chalcedony and a Glowing Shadow Crystal to Timothy Jones in Dalaran. You can find a Shoveltusk Ivory on any Northrend Shoveltusk.
# Shipment: Wicked Sun Brooch - Bring an Iron Dwarf Brooch, a Wicked Huge Citrine and a Rigid Sun Crystal to Timothy Jones in Dalaran. You can find an Iron Dwarf Amulet on any Northrend Iron Dwarf.
# Shipment: Intricate Bone Figurine - Bring Proto Dragon Bone, a Solid Chalcedony and an Intricate Dark Jade to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.
# Shipment: Bright Armor Relic - Bring an Elemental Armor Scrap, a Bright Bloodstone and a Potent Huge Citrine to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.
# Shipment: Shifting Sun Curio - Bring a Scourge Curio, a Quick Sun Crystal and a Shifting Shadow Crystal to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.
全都是要求你将一些加工好的宝石交给达拉然的Timothy jones,其中有些原料将来自于打怪掉落

+16力量 +16敏捷 +16命中 +6点回蓝 +24耐力 +9法强8暴击 +9法强8命中 +9法强8智力 +9法强8急速 +8急速3回蓝 +8急速12耐力 +8急速8精神 +8命中3回蓝 +8防御12耐力 +8智8精 +9法强3回蓝 +56护甲穿刺12耐力 +8躲闪12耐力
+21智力并有机会在释放法术后回蓝 +42攻强并在暴击后恢复最大生命值的2% +21敏并提高暴击伤害3% +25法强并减少眩晕时间15% +16急速 +16格挡 +8敏8命中
Some changes we are working on:
* Distracting Shot will now be a "Mocking Blow"-esque taunt (so it will taunt the mob onto the Hunter for 6 sec). This will allow you to "peel" monsters to you (and thus to a trap) a lot easier than it is now.
* Freezing Trap will no longer break on damage 100% of the time. It will still break on damage, but on x amount. So if the mob has a DoT on them, or the mob gets cleaved while in Freezing Trap, it won't just immediately break. Because of this, we're canning Bear Trap (since Freezing Trap will accomplish what Bear Trap was intended for, plus you guys have enough keybinds as it is). Note that we don't intend Freezing Trap to be a stun, so the tuning on how much damage will break it will be important.
* Camouflage - We'll be introducing this new spell at level 80. It will give you limited stealth capabilities. A bonus with it is that you can lay your traps while Camouflaged and it won't break the stealth, allowing you to setup your traps before a pull if desired.
伪装 - 这是猎人80级的新技能,这将给猎人带来一点潜行的能力,在潜行时布设陷阱将会有一定量的加成,当然这么做不会打断潜行,这将是你们能够在拉怪前布置好陷阱
* Trap Mastery - This talent will be a 1-point talent now, we've condensed a lot of the trap talents in the Survival tree. It will do stuff like increase damage of Immolate, root the dispeller of your Freezing Trap in ice, increase the number of snakes from your snake trap, etc.
陷阱掌握 - 这个天赋现在1点点满,我们将在生存系里加入很多陷阱天赋。比如增加陷阱的伤害,给冰霜陷阱以定身功能,增加你毒蛇陷阱中蛇的数量等。
Tanking in Wrath of the Lich King - 5 Man Instances / Thunder Clap WLK中的TANK
If you have run many of the Northrend dungeons, you'll see that there aren't many of the Shattered Halls style 6-7 mob pulls. And if we add those, they need to be non-elite or otherwise weak enough that they can be AE'd or zerged down without the expectation that the tank has to hold them all for a long time.
Players sometimes ask for Thunder Clap (or fill in your favorite ability) to affect more targets, and in Thunder Clap's case, that is probably a good thing. But really what we'd like to see is these abilities hold the number of targets they are supposed to hold effectively. It's unfortunately typical that when a tank is tanking say 3 targets that the first one dies quickly, the second one is tanked effectively, but somewhere near the end of the fight, the third one breaks free. If Thunder Clap affects 5 or 6 targets, those targets need to be effectively tanked by Thunder Clap (and the rest of the warrior's rotation).
Likewise, we don't want to reduce the cooldown of Thunder Clap to zero. That means a warrior could just that ability to tank and no other. We'd rather see a Thunder Clap, followed by Cleaves, Mortal Strikes, Shield Slams and whatever else, and then another Thunder Clap. To make that work however, the threat of Thunder Clap needs to be high enough to survive the cooldown and I don't think that is happening enough now.
Death Knight unlocking and new servers (A small reminder never hurts)老生常谈 - 死骑的建立
To my understanding the bottom line is if you have a level 55 character on your account, you can create a Death Knight on any server.
You don't have to have a 55 on the server you want to make your shiny new Death Knight. There are some caveats to this, for example you can't make a Death Knight on a brand new realm. (Wouldn't make much sense for a server of level 10s to have level 55 DKs running amock and stepping on their head, I don't even want to imagine what Hillsbrad would be like....)
Death Knights retroactive itemization 死骑的前期套装
There is no plan to retroactively itemize Death Knights. The Death Knight specific armor won't start popping up until you reach the icy peaks of Northrend.
Adding the ability for them to use items that currently exist isn't quite the same as retroactively itemizing Death Knight sets. There is no plan, for example, to create a Death Knight set from level 60-70 dungeons such as Valor or Bold, and no plan to create Death Knight class specific raid sets.
In other words, don't hold your breathe for your two man Onyxia kill to put out a Death Knight tier 2 helm.
Death Knight Glyphs 死骑的专用符文
We have been largely holding off on implementing Sigils for the Death Knight until their abilities and talents are completely finalized. Don't worry though, we will make sure there's a Sigil for all play styles
Chains of Ice
Chains of Ice is a physical slow with no diminishing returns that cannot be dispelled. Enjoy.
Because the debuff starts at 0% movement speed for a second, it feels a little like a root, but mechanically it is not a root nor a freeze. Apologies to the Frost mages, but I'm not sure it's a great idea to have so much synergy between two classes. That was the sort of thing that lead to warlocks and shadow priests cackling over +Shadow buffs and pushing mages out of raids.
Hand of Freedom will effect it just like other movement impairing effects, as will pvp trinkets etc. The key difference is that it is no longer considered a Magic effect and thus is not vulnerable to Dispel Magic, Cleanse and the likes,
Bloodworms 血虫
We'd like to solve the aggro issues first and then evaluate the spell. We don't want to link it to Death Strike again, because then Death Strike is either weak in the absence of Bloodworms, or OP with it.
Unholy Aura / Unholy Presence 不洁光环 / 不洁容姿
The only relation they have to presences is that the presence is sometimes redundant with the aura for the death knight himself. Unholy Aura and Unholy Presence both grant a 15% movement speed and these do not stack (with each other or anything). However, a DK in Blood or Frost Presence can still benefit from the movement speed if she has Unholy Aura. A potentially bigger benefit is that 24 other people in your raid also move faster all the time.
Night of the Dead / Multiple Ghouls 亡者之夜 / 多个食尸鬼
The intent of Night of the Dead is to allow deep Unholy Death Knights the ability to summon their ghoul far more reliably than other specs. However you are only intended to have one ghoul raised at a time, multiple ghouls is a bug.
Blood vs Frost 血与冰
Icy Touch -- may very well need to do more damage. It was reduced back in the day when death knights kept saying "Why would I ever use Death Coil?"
Obliterate -- underwent a similar phenomenon. Every DK rotation was built around Obliterate spam. It needs to do more damage than something like Heart Strike.
Hungering Cold -- after experimenting with the scaling costs for a long time, we think they are just awkward and confusing. DRW will probably stay as "uses all your RP" but Hungering Cold and Unholy Blight will probably be a discrete cost of something like 60 RP.
Blood of the North -- the idea of this talent is that you could Blood Strike twice, and then be able to Obliterate or Howling Blast twice the next time around (the aptly named FUFUFU rotation). Walk me through why Plague Strikes turning into Death Runes is helpful -- it's pretty hard to ever skip over spending an Unholy Rune, yes?
Similarly, we would love to work a Death Rune ability into Unholy but can't figure out how to make it work. Unholy doesn't really need more Unholy runes unless the DK wants to spam Plague / Scourge to grind down the cooldowns through Night of the Dead. A clone of Blood of the North might be helpful for the FUFUFU, but then Unholy might play a lot like Frost too.
Dancing Rune Weapon -- we've actually known it's overpowered for some time. We left it that way on purpose because there were still so many threads (misguided we suspect) about how weak it was. Psychology is unfortunately a reality of game testing, and we wanted to make sure people would actually use it. I'm not saying it needs to be nerfed to the ground, but it is probably doing too much damage.
Blood in general -- we're not inclined to do anything to Blood's damage until we have some good numbers about how DKs compare to other classes. One change that is potentially coming down the pike is letting Blood Boil be a more spammable ability, and perhaps letting that replace Pestilence as a good tanking tool. It would give Blood some different spells to work in as well.
Upcoming beta changes 接下来的BETA改动
We'll try and improve RP generation of Frost.
I think Howling Blast could go down to a 10 sec cooldown. That would let you use it once a rotation with Obliterate using the other FU if you turned your two Blood Runes into Death runes. If it has no cooldown, then it might compete a lot with Obliterate.
In the next build, try spamming Blood Boil instead of Pestilence. Use Pestilence to spread diseases to set up Blood Boil.
As everyone has pointed out, Death Rune Mastery was designed to mix up the rotation of Blood and it seems to do that well. Blood of the North was designed to let you mix up Frost, but low Icy Touch damage and a long Howling Blast cooldown seem to be inhibiting that. Obliterate may be too weak now too.